TV4 Play

Bringing Sweden’s most popular TV channel to life
The way people consume television is changing. There is a shift away from linear TV to a digital experience that’s accessible whenever and wherever people want. We understood that TV4’s future lies in TV4 Play and wanted to create an identity that made the inevitable transition as easy as possible for people – for both the digitally illiterate and the digitally savvy.

The typeface named Quattro Sans was specially created for all TV4 communication. It is a friendly, human and contemporary typeface with focus on readability. Corporate Font developed by Stefen Hattenbach.
A comprehensive set of functional and emotional picograms and emojis were created, drawn to complement the custom-made typeface Quattro Sans.

The familiar buttons from the remote control are given new life as playful, animated, physical objects. They are integrated throughout TV4 Play’s world, becoming an integral part of the identity.