Rapid Prototyping

From an idea to a high fidelity prototype.
Start with low fidelity prototyping options such as sketching and paper prototyping.

Part 1 – Sketching and Paper Prototyping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMjozqJS44M
Material design color palette: https://goo.gl/NP5o44
Elevation and shadows: https://goo.gl/OWZzCw

Part 2 – Digital prototyping: https://youtu.be/KWGBGTGryFk
What digital prototyping is and when to use it
Examples of prototypes built using the tools Principle and Form
Principle: http://principleformac.com/
Form: http://www.relativewave.com/form/

Part 3 – Native prototyping: https://youtu.be/lusOgox4xMI