Programming Posters

Tim Rodenbroeker:
The printed poster, the major medium for visual communication in public space for centurys, experiences fundamental transformations. The „Poster 2.0“ is much more than a surface with type, colors and images on it: It is an interactive application, animated, audible, data driven and intermedial. It involves all senses and disciplines. And it melts together graphic design with cutting edge technologies.

The Magic Triangle
To ensure a high remarkability and focus, i’ve decided to restrict my students to work exclusively with two colors and a defined font-family. This ensured their maximum focus on the right spot: The creative possibilities of coding. To visualize the restrictions of the project, i usually make use of a creativity-technique called “The Magic Triangle”: Each border of the shape represents one rule or restriction. All 3 borders together build a frame around the creative space, which is literally the area where the ideas exist.

I’ve discovered Processing as the ideal tool for this project. Compared to other code-based methodologies, the simple application does not require any complicated build-tools. It fits perfectly into the needs of graphics designers and beginners through intuitive commands, a wide range of tutorials, a very good reference and a huge community.
In addition i’ve utilized TouchOSC, a simple application for any platform that sends floating-point-values to any Processing-application. This enabled me to control any parameter of the poster-applications.