One Size Fits All – Gender Bias

About this project
This website is part of a graduation project on gender bias in design, that was set up for the TU Delft, by me, Maartje van Proosdij. The role of gender and sex is often not considered when designing products and services, and this can have consequences for the useability and safety of the final design. With this website I hope to inspire designers and design students to consider gender and sex in their design process. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via e-mail.

Why should designers pay attention to gender and sex in design?
When we look at the gendered products in stores, we can see that companies often don’t go beyond “pink it and shrink it”; making a smaller and pink coloured version of existing products especially for women to use (fig. 1). It may not come as a surprise to many designers, that this is not the best way to design with gender in mind. What could come as a surprise, are the consequences that neglecting gender and sex in design can have.