Poster for Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art June 21, 2020June 21, 2020admin This is a Poster. It was designed by Min Choi and Sulki Choi and made for (as the client) Gyeonggi Museum of Modern [...]
Images, Pixels and RGB June 14, 2020admin Hear Instagram co-founder explain how images are represented in binary, and how image filters work on the inside. This video is part of [...]
Vormen van logo’s: de psychologie en betekenis achter vomgeving May 14, 2020April 19, 2022admin Als designer ben je vanzelfsprekend erg veel bezig met beeld. Stilstaand, bewegend; het maakt niet uit. Je bent altijd op zoek naar de [...]
Use Gestalt Laws to improve your UX May 4, 2020May 4, 2020admin [...]